City Appeals Marion County Land Use Decision

Marion County requested comments regarding an application they received for a new 15,000 square foot warehouse on Hwy 99E, south of the city limits but inside the City's urban growth boundary.  The City Planner responded and explained why the City opposes this development.  In essence, the City believes annexation is required before industrial development can occur.  Notwithstanding the City's comments, Marion County approved the application.  The City appealed that decision, and on June 6th Planning Commission Chair Joseph Schaefer and City Attorney Sara Kendrick testified at the appeal hearing in Salem.  The City also has submitted additional written testimony, and all the documents the City has submitted for this appeal are at this link:

A decision on the appeal from the Marion County Hearings Officer is expected in August.  Anyone interested in this appeal is invited to attend the Planning Commission meeting on July 3, at 7 pm.