City, Sheriff's Office Release Radar Speed Control Sign Data

In response to citizen concerns, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) set up a radar speed control sign in various locations around town over the last month. The sign displayed the speeds that passing motorists were going, and also collected data on those speeds.

From October 3 through 9, the sign was placed at the intersection of Highway 99E and Fourth Street. Based on the suggestions that citizens made on the city’s Facebook page, the sign was then moved to the intersection of Airport and Ehlen roads from October 9 through 14. From October 16 through 23, it was moved to the intersection of Highway 99E and Ottaway Road.

All of the sets of data collected by the sign are included in PDF form and attached below. Some of the data has been presented in graph form to illustrate the speeds traveled by motorists in those intersections at different times of the day. It will be made available to the Planning Commission and City Council at their November meetings.

The City of Aurora contracts with the MCSO for its law enforcement services. Deputy Bill Ovchinnikov is assigned to the city under that contract.

 “The data obtained through the use of the radar speed control sign can be used to petition the Oregon Department of Transportation for adjustments to speed limits through parts of town,” City Recorder W. Scott Jorgensen said. “The city appreciates the efforts that the sheriff’s office makes to better serve the citizens of Aurora through our ongoing partnership.”