How are City Councilors elected?
City Council Elections in Aurora are at large, meaning the Councilor or Mayor represents the entire city, not one district. The term of office for a Councilor is four years. Mayor’s position is a two-year term.
Persons interested in running for office do so by filing a petition and collecting signatures. Filing instructions and the necessary forms are available from the recorder [at] (City Recorder), the Marion County Elections Division, or from the Secretary of State web site.
Where do I register to Vote?
To cast a ballot in an election, you must be registered to vote. To register you must be a United States citizen, a resident of the State of Oregon and at least 18 years of age by the next general election. If you have moved within the city, you will need to re-register to vote.
Voter registration forms are available at City Hall, but you must mail them to, or file them with, the Marion County Elections Division, 4263 Commercial Street S.E. #300 Salem, Oregon 97302. A person's voter registration form must be received by the Marion County Elections Division, not later than 5 p.m. 21 days prior to the date of the election.
All elections in Oregon are conducted by mail.
Administration Staff
Monday thru Thursday, closed Fridays
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.